Weiran Huang

Weiran Huang's Profile 

Weiran Huang (黄维然)
Associate Professor
MIFA Lab, Qing Yuan Research Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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To Prospective Students (招生)

Our lab is actively seeking self-motivated graduate students, as well as visitors and postdocs, who are interested in joining our lab.

If you're interested, please email me your CV. Before reaching out, please carefully read our latest guidelines (招生须知).

About Me

I am an Associate Professor at the Qing Yuan Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the Principal Investigator of the Machine Intelligence Foundations and Applications (MIFA) Lab. I also serve as a Research Consultant at Shanghai AI Lab. My research interests include machine learning, encompassing both the theory and applications of algorithms, such as pre-training and foundation models, data-efficient fine-tuning, continual learning, and multimodal learning. I earned my PhD in computer science from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences of Tsinghua University, where I had the honor of being supervised by Turing Award Laureate Prof. Andrew Yao and IEEE Fellow Prof. Wei Chen. Prior to that, I received my bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University. Additionally, I was a visiting scholar hosted by Prof. Yaron Singer at Harvard SEAS.

Latest News

Education & Work Experience

  • 2012–2018: PhD in Computer Science, Tsinghua University (Advisor: Andrew Yao)

  • 2009–2012: BSc in Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University

  • 2008–2009: Fundamental Science Class (数理基科班), Tsinghua University

  • 2022/12–Present: Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • 2024/04–Present: Research Consultant at Shanghai AI Lab

  • 2018/07–2022/11: Research Scientist at Huawei Noah's Ark Lab (Director: Jun Yao)

  • 2018/03–2018/06: Research Intern at Microsoft Research Asia (Mentor: Wei Chen)

  • 2017/11–2018/02: Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (Advisor: Yaron Singer)

  • 2015/08–2017/10: Research Intern at Microsoft Research Asia (Mentor: Wei Chen)

Awards & Honors


  • Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications (ISE3308): Autumn 2024.

  • Machine Learning Theory (CS3968): Spring 2024 (with Prof. Shiyu Liang).

  • Machine Learning (CS7336): Spring 2024 (with Prof. Yang Yang).

  • Advanced Neural Network Theory and Applications (CS7352): Spring 2024 (with Prof. Zhijie Deng and Prof. Yong-Lu Li).


  • Reviewer: ICML (2022-2024), NeurIPS (2019-2024), ICLR (2022-2024).


We are deeply grateful to the following sponsors for their generous support of our research, listed in no particular order.

Microsoft Research AsiaBaiduTencent